Desert Beauty

Some only see an arid landscape in their minds when the word desert is spoken. Others think of a parched death-scape. But, those with an eye towards the unique and surprising, see much more.  Delicate paper-thin desert blooms, a mosaic of dried mud, imagined creatures long extinct and rocks supported by impossibly thin necks are just a few of the things I viewed my travels on the Grand Staircase in Utah. I want to return soon and find even more beauty.

20141019_ delicate desert flower

Desert Blossoms


20141019 thirsty land

Dried Mud Mosaic


20141019 Dino rock

Dino Rock


20141019 solitary mushroom rock

Solitary Mushroom

Specs —- Samsung Note 3 phone……average – ISO 50;EXP TIME 1/288sec;F-STOP f/2.2;Focal Length 4mm; Max Aperture 2.28;Center-weighted;No Flash mode;35mm focal length 31;White balance AUTO;Brightness 6.39;EXIF Version 0220;Horizontal DPI 300;Vertical DPI 300




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